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Eat & Meet with the authors of "Economix"

Rencontre 22/11/2018 au 22/11/2018 IXELLES

Eat & Meet with the authors of "Economix"

Rencontre à IXELLES
Site web :
Dates : Du 22/11/2018 au 22/11/2018


Explore economics in a fun way with Mike Goodwin and Dan E. Burr, authors of the American graphic novel “ECONOMIX: How our economy works (and doesn’t work) in words and pictures.”

Meet the authors, get an autograph, find out about ECONOMIX behind the scenes. Grab a drink and listen to Mike strip back some of the veil in front of the economics profession, while Dan illustrates some of their ideas in real time.

"Mêlant la bande dessinée avec des textes clairs et pleins d’humour, ce roman graphique transforme la « science obscure » de l’économie en une histoire amusante et accessible à tous."

About the AUTHORS:

Michael Goodwin is a freelance writer who has always loved comics and history. That idea was little more than a hunch at first, but as he immersed himself in the subject, Mike realized that there was in fact a story there, and that someone needed to tell the story in an accessible manner. He brought a stack of books to a small town in India, settled in, and started reading, researching, and writing. The result is this book.

It would seem that Dan E. Burr was born to this work, as examples of early attempts at comic strip-like continuity exist from his infancy. (Drawing pictures was “in the family” so the influence to do so was ever present.) Dan has illustrated historical pieces for DC Comics, Kitchen Sink Press and Eureka Productions’ Graphic Classics series. He has worked in a variety of fields including newspaper and magazine illustration, editorial cartooning, children’s publishing, advertising and product design.

TICKETS are 10€ including drinks and snacks.

Comment venir ?

Coordonnées :
Rue d'Edimbourg 26
: 02 511 41 79

Liste des auteurs présents

  • Goodwin, Michael